Frequently Asked Questions

  • There have certainly been some “get rich quick” training providers in the past who made all the money, while their participants lost out. We’re trying to disrupt that stereotype.

    The only profit we make is the registration payment from you. Less the room hire, consumables, travel, time, and taxes.

    As for your profit:

    Obviously, the only way you don’t make money is if you don’t sell a book. But considering the margin (upwards of 400% return on your investment) we do believe in this strategy, and we’ll be on your side to make it happen.

    (If it helps, as a wedding photographer, my retail price for a magazine netted $2000 profit. -Nathan)

  • Only this:


    It’s the truth. You could generate a lucrative financial return, but you will still be expensing TIME, designing each page. You can’t get away from that.

    Our job is to give you the best tools to minimise the timeload, maximise the creative experience, and find the best balance of TIME, PROFIT, JOY and STATUS.

    This isn’t popular marketing, we know. But we want you to succeed, and we’re okay being honest about the real journey you’ll take to get there.

  • Honestly, we don’t even like the label of “trainer.” It sounds like a power imbalance.

    We prefer “guide.” It’s an identity that allows us to partner in your success, meet you where you’re at, and bring all of our tools and expertise to serve your development, not our own egos.

    As for authority, our founder and head trainer Nathan has spent over a decade in the domestic photography industry, and almost as long in the printing and self-publishing world. He has guided artists, entrepreneurs and thought leaders towards the creation of their best publications.

    But, more importantly, we’ve made a heap of mistakes. We think this matters because otherwise, you will end up making them. We’ve been there, and we know the terrain. So we can guide you around the pitfalls.

  • You can! Well, we think you could. Actually, we tried ourselves, but couldn’t find the right thing.

    YouTube had amazing in-depth technical training, and vague lightweight training, but not much specifically tailored to photographers, with industry connections to the local printing industry, and live support.

    It all felt distant, and it took much longer than four hours, and it didn't result in a finished product. We’re still looking though, and will let you know if we find anything better than what we’re doing in person.

  • We get it - you like beautiful things, but you just don’t have the time or the patience to design a book. And that’s okay!

    If you have staff, you can send them on the training, and you’ll end up with your own in-house designer. Alternatively, you can commission a Self Titled Studios Certified Designer to do the work. Contact us here to learn more.

  • Yep, there’s always a chance you’ll make a boring, generic book. Just like there’s a chance you could take a boring, generic photograph. The key to standing out, in any creative discipline, has always been courage. Courage to be authentic, to uncover and display your creative uniqueness. Our courses guide you towards leveraging your uniqueness, before leveraging your products. Because who you are cannot be touched by any competition, and is your best chance of creating stand-out publications that you can be proud of.

  • We do refresher courses, as well as deeper dives into thinking like a storyteller and shooting for story.

    Previous attendees earn an alumni discount for all future courses.

  • Since we primarily work with Adobe Indesign for the actual page layouts and exports, you will be at a disadvantage without it.

    But, the rest of the course will still be of great value, as it explores story theory, sales, marketing, industry relationships, etc. So we won’t refuse you if you don’t have the software, but it’s preferable.

    If you already use a design program that you’re happy with, you may find your own workarounds, and you can always download a free trial of Indesign on Adobe’s website.

  • Just select Private one-on-one training and we will get in touch to arrange the details. Online sessions run in two parts, each for up to 2 hours.

    As this is more location-specific, we will also do the research to find the best printer in your area, and gather the required specifications for your designs.

  • Of course. We can conduct our training anywhere in the world. Get in touch for a custom quote.

  • We have a range of client books in our Perth city office, which are great for sparking ideas for your own designs, as well as getting a feel for the quality of the pages.

    Just get in touch to arrange a time to drop in.

  • Our office is in the centre of the city (2F, 618 Hay Street, Perth.)

    Depending on the cohort size, we also have access to various rooms within the State Buildings and Lawson Flats.